Project Competition

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1) As part of the DES School, a team project competition is traditionally held for school participants. Projects with a well-founded idea, such as a computer application, that provides economic and/or social benefits for society/users are accepted. The team must develop a detailed plan for implementing and executing this idea. A project with partial technical implementation or deployment by the end of the school will be highlighted. Project defenses will be held on Friday (January 31 from 14:00). Details on the award ceremony for the competition winners will be announced later.

2) Each team has up to 15 minutes for project defense (up to 7 minutes for the presentation and up to 8 minutes for the Q&A session with the jury). Preparation continues while the previous team answers questions.

3) A mandatory element of the project defense is a presentation file (pdf, pptx, etc.), which is submitted in advance to the School's organizing committee. This file should include:
    • Project title and brief description;
    • Team members and mentor (if any);
    • Project topic relevance;
    • Analysis/competition of similar developments in the market;
    • Project results (main presentation part);
    • Social significance or commercial value;
    • Future project development plans post-school.

4) Besides the main presentation file, the team can use additional files/tools, etc.

5) To save time and avoid technical issues during project presentations, teams should send the main project presentation file to Oleh Buhrii on Slack by THURSDAY after school sessions end.

6) Ideally, each team member should participate in presenting their work, highlighting their role in the team.

7) Each mentor evaluates their team, emphasizing the following:
    • Quality of teamwork;
    • Psychological atmosphere within the team;
    • Achievement of the team’s goals.